Bluetooth mobile hacking
Google Sederhanakan Navigasi GPS Untuk Android 2.0 smartphone
Google baru saja telah mengumumkan Maps Navigasi versi Beta yang diperuntukkan perangkat Android 2.0. Aplikasi tersebut mendukung handsfree pencarian suara, menawarkan 3D view, langkah-langkah panduan suara dan otomatis rerouting.
“Sejak tahun 2005, jutaan orang telah mengandalkan Google Maps untuk perangkat mobile untuk mendapatkan petunjuk saat melakukan perjalanan. Namun, selalu ada satu masalah yaitu sekali waktu anda di belakang kemudi, sebuah daftar petunjuk arah mengemudi saja tidaklah mudah digunakan”, jelas Google software engineer Keith Ito.
Menurut Ito, aplikasi Navigasi menyediakan pengguna dengan tujuh fitur-fitur yang canggih, termasuk:
- peta yang diperbaharui beserta data bisnis
- pilihan pencarian yang lebih fleksibel
- Live traffic data
- Pencarian rute yang akurat
- Tampilan satelit
- Tampilan jalan
Google Maps Navigasi diharapkan akan tersedia pada Verizon Droid smartphone ketika tanggal rilisnya pada 6 November 2009 mendatang.
Categories: Software Komputer
Tags: Android 2.0, google, Google Maps, Keith Ito, Maps Navigasi, Verizon Droid smartphone
Lenovo Luncurkan IdeaPad S12 Berbasis Windows 7 dan NVIDIA Ion
Sempat janjikan kehadirannya di bulan Agustus lalu, akhirnya Lenovo hadir dan siap dimiliki oleh khalayak ramai. Laptop IdeaPad S12 berbasis Ion ini sudah menggunakan sistem operasi Windows 7.
Dibandrol dengan kisaran harga 599 USD atau sekitar 6 juta rupiah saja, laptop yang menggunakan processor N270 berkecepatan 1.6GHz, 256MB Ion GPU, memori 2GB DDR2. Laptop berukuran 12.1 inchi ini memiliki resolusi 1280 x 800 px dan memiliki kapasitas hardisk 250GB.
Selain itu laptop ini juga memiliki Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, Wi-Fi dan menggunakan baterai 6-cell. Laptop ini menggunakan sistem operasi Windows 7 Home Premium (32-bit). Cukup menarik untuk dimiliki bukan?
Categories: Gadget
Tags: ideaPad s12, laptop, Notebook, NVIDIA Ion, windows 7
Crome Hadir di Mac dalam versi BETA
Google telah mengumumkan ketersediaan secara resmi browser Chrome untuk Mac preview, yang berdasarkan pada versi 4 yang telah tersedia untuk Windows, tetapi bukan untuk Linux atau OSX, tapi yang menasihati orang untuk tidak mencobanya.
Pada halaman ini, Google mengatakan: “Google Chrome untuk Mac sedang dalam pengembangan dan sebuah tim insinyur yang bekerja keras untuk membawanya kepada Anda sesegera mungkin. Silahkan masukkan alamat email Anda di bawah ini dan kami akan memberitahu Anda tahu kalau sudah dirilis. “
Google kemudian menambahkan: “Sebuah versi saluran developer lebih awal sekarang tersedia! Sedangkan versi yang tidak pada kualitas beta (khususnya, hal itu tidak dapat mencetak dukungan plugin yang memang belum dan tidak cukup stabil), Chrome tersebut hadir dengan baik. Jika Anda ingin mencoba sekarang, lihat Early Access Release Channels untuk petunjuk downloadnya”.
Google co-founder Sergey Brin telah membuat pengumuman atas ketersediaan membangun versi di Web 2.0 Summit di San Francisco, tetapi mengakui ia kecewa dengan seberapa lama telah kemunculannya.
“Jangka waktu yang telah salah satu kekecewaan proyek Chrome bagi saya”, kata Brin dalam menanggapi pertanyaan dari para penonton. “Saya menggunakan Chrome untuk Mac [dan] versi Mac yang tersedia untuk publik, melainkan hanya versi developer awalnya, dan bukan dalam pengujian beta secara nyata bagi masyarakat”.
Categories: Software Komputer
Tags: chrome, Early Access Release Channels, google, mac, Sergey Brin, Web 2.0 Summit
Learn Hack by Angga
How to Hack a MySpace Account:
1. How to Hack Myspace – The Easiest Way
The easiest way to hack Myspace is by using a keylogger (Spy Software). It doesn’t matter whether or not you have physical access to the target computer. To use a keylogger it doesn’t need any technical knowledge. Anyone with a basic knowledge of computers can use keyloggers.1. What is a keylogger?
A keylogger is a small program that monitors each and every keystroke that a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. A keylogger is also called as a Spy software or Spy program.
2. Where is keylogger program available?
There exists tons of keyloggers on the internet, but most of them are useless and doesn’t turn out to be effective. But with my experience I recommend the following keylogger as the best to hack Myspce since it supports remote installation. This can also be used on local computer.
3. How to install a keylogger?
Keyloggers can be installed just like any other program. At the installation time, you need to set your secret password and hotkey combination, to unhide the keylogger program whenever it is needed. This is because, after installation the keylogger becomes completely invisible and start running in the background. Because of it’s stealth behaviour the victim can never come to know about that the presence of the keylogger software on his/her computer.
4. I don’t have physical access to the target computer, can I still use Sniperspy?
It doesn’t matter whether or not you have physical access to the victim’s computer. Because SniperSpyoffers Remote Installation Feature. So, you can hack Myspace remotely installing the keylogger on the target PC.
You can attach the keylogger with any file such as image, MS excel file or other programs and send it to the victim via email. When the victim runs the file, it will automatically get installed without his knowledge and start recording every activity on his computer. The logs containing these activities are sent to you by the keylogger software via email or FTP.
5. What is the best way to deploy the keylogger onto remote PC?
Instead of sending the keylogger as an email attachment, it is recommended that you place the file in .ZIP/.RAR format and upload it to After uploading, just send the direct download link to the victim via email. Once he downloads the file from this link and run it, the keylogger will get installed automatically.
6. How can a keylogger hack Myspace account?
You can hack Myspace using keylogger as follows: You install the keylogger on a Remote PC (or on your local PC). The victim is unaware of the presence of the keylogger on his computer. As usual, he logs into his Myspace account by typing the Myspace username and password. These details are recorded and sent to your Sniperspy account. You can login to your Sniperspy account to see the password. Now you have successfully hacked the Myspace account.
In case if you install the keylogger on your local PC, you can obtain the recorded Myspace password just by unhiding the keylogger program.
7. Why SniperSpy is the best?
n my experience of more than 6 years I have tested almost 50 spy softwares. Out of these one of my favorite Spy software is SniperSpy. The following are some of the reasons for which I recommend SniperSpy for you.1. SniperSpy can be used to Spy on your local PC as well as a remote PC since it supports remote installation feature.
2. On the whole Internet there exists only a few spy softwares that support remote installation and SniperSpy is the best among them.
3. You can view the LIVE screenshot of the remote computer. Not only screenshots, but also you can see every activity on the remote comuter LIVE.
4. With SniperSpy you can take a complete control of the remote PC. You can logoff, restart or shutdown the remote PC right from your PC.
5. SniperSpy records every activity of the remote computer.
6. SniperSpy is completely stealth and remains undetected.
7. SniperSpy captures every keystroke that is typed. This includes email passwords, login passwords, instant messenger passwords etc.
8. SniperSpy has the ability to bypass any firewall.
How it Works?
There are a few computer remote spying programs available but Sniperspy is without doubt one of the best ones you can buy. Customer support is excellent and if you want peace of mind then this will allow you to find out the truth very quickly.
Check SniperSpy out right now and discover for yourself how much is worth to you compared with the few dollars it costs.
You can get SniperSpy from the following link:
SniperSpy Homepage